Thursday, March 31, 2011

Crazy Cat Lady and Family

Well hello there my dears,

Those that know me know that my children are close to my heart.

The Vain One
 The Emotional One

The Daring One
Monkey Man
I love my children, though they do grate my nervous frequently occasionally :-)
Monkey Man loves giving me mini heart attacks with his many adventures in bike riding and riding on the scooter.

Then there are the cats. My babies, yes, there is baby talk involved. I don't do it to humans, but animals get it all the time. Weird.

Murphy, the shy one

Marley, the curious one and eater of all food.

LOVE the cats.
Marley was a field rescue that Lizard brought home and needed a lot of medical attention.
Murphy was from another rescue group that I dealt with, however I was not happy with them and the way they communicated with potential owners.
My baby Jax was a foster to adoption from Alley Cats and Angels of NC. He was shy. A little bunny kitty when we got him. Now he is thriving.
I now support Alley Cats and Angels of North Carolina. Wonderful ladies. The group is dedicated to trapping, neutering and returning cats to the places they came from.
Please everyone spay and neuter your animals. That is all on that soapbox. :-)
We will soon start fostering 2 more kittens as they have so many that don't have their forever homes yet.

Have you thought of doing this? Have you fostered an animal?
Would love your thoughts on this.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tips over at Tip me Tuesday

Linking up with Tip Junkie today

Tip Junkie handmade projects

Such adorable posts and very inspiring... come on over!

Also did you guys see Brittany's AKA Pretty Handy Girls Slipcovered Bistro Table?
bistro slip cover and chairs

Soo stinky cute! Makes me what to go do this to some table in my house. Though I don't know that I have one. Guess I will need to buy one. ;-)

What are you all up to today?

Would love to hear from you!


Sunday, March 27, 2011


Hello my dears,

I know a few of you follow me. Can I get you guys to get the message out that my facebook page is looking awful lonely?

See that Facebook Badge on the right side, just click on it and Share Me!

Would be much appreciated!

Until next time,


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Shabby Apple and a dinner

Hello my dears,

Perusing my blogs this evening I saw this giveaway by Jami at 
freckled laundry

Go on over and enter. The dresses are sooo stinky adorable!

For those shopping for my Birthday/Christmas Present I will take this one  or this one . Hint Hint. Only 271 days until then.

Dinner this evening was soo yummy, I don't think there are any leftovers!

Bourbon Chicken
Bourbon Chicken

  • 2 lbs boneless skinless chicken thighs (diced)

  • 1 -2 tablespoon olive oil

  • garlic clove, crushed

  • 1/2 teaspoon ginger

  • 3/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes

  • 1/4 cup apple juice

  • 1/3 cup light brown sugar

  • tablespoons ketchup

  • tablespoon cider vinegar

  • 1/3 cup soy sauce

    1. Heat oil in a large skillet.
    2. Add chicken pieces and cook until lightly browned.
    3. Remove chicken. 
    4. Add remaining ingredients, heating over medium Heat until well mixed and dissolved. 
    5. Add chicken and bring to a hard boil.
    6. Reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes.
    7. Serve over hot rice and ENJOY.
    I cook my rice in the oven as i can never get it to stop sticking to the pan. And you know get the stick rice off the pan is not FUN!

  •  4 cups of waters, 2 cups rice and kosher salt. 

  • Place it in 9 x 13 casserole dish and cover cook at 400 degrees until done. 

  • I let it rest for a few minutes before uncovering it.

  • Glazed Carrots and Green Beans on the side.

  • Friday, March 25, 2011


    Hello my dears,
    Sorry I have been gone for the past week.
    Work has had me but the A*** this week and no time to do anything. All I wanted to do is sleep when I got home. Too much retraining!


    I promised to show you the table redo.

    Ok. I am a bad blogger and could not find a before picture. I looked and looked for awhile... ok about 5minutes. And then something else caught my attention, then I remember I was writing a blog... DUH... You will forgot me right??  Right?

    Just imagine this black... really black. Spray painted.
    And yes, I know you are jealous of my veggie can props. ;-)
    And yes, I was painting in my kitchen.

    The color is a silvery gray. Ahhh silvery gray. I think it is my new love. These pictures aren't so good, I think my little camera is not letting these colors come out.

    Minor distressing with a sanding block to bring out the black underneath.

    Now I need to find a new knob as this one is not doing anything for this piece.
    C'est la vie. 
    On to Hobby Lobby next week with the MiL. Maybe I will find one there.

    And unfortunately, this is an oops paint from Lowes. It was Valspar primer and paint combo, which I have never used before and a little goes a LONG way!

    Until Next time,
    Hopefully not next weekend!


    Monday, March 21, 2011

    Newbie Party!!

    Well hello there my dears,

    I just found a newbie party from dear Tracy at Kindness Matters

    Now you have to be a newbie to post. Like me... you know wondering your way through blog land in the hopes that someone will find  you interesting and stick around to see what you are up to. 

    p.s. Doesn't anyone have any hints on how to make those bloggy buttons??

    Until next time,



    Giveaway Over there!!

    Silhouette giveaway over at



    Go enter now.

    There are rules:

    Here's how to enter: 

    Visit the Silhouette Blog, follow them and leave a comment at their blog, 
    then leave a comment here telling me you did that.

    Optional for extra entries do the following and leave a comment for each one you do:

    1. Please become a public Google Friend Connect follower of Remodelaholic. CLICK THE "Follow" BUTTON TO THE RIGHT! Just make sure to leave a comment for this entry to be valid, if you are already a Google Friend Connect Follower, please just let me know in your comment!  And thanks!

    2. Visit the Silhouette Website 

    3. Help us spread the word by doing a post about this giveaway on Facebook (include a link to the giveaway in your post).

    4. Help us spread the word by doing a post about this giveaway on your blog (include a link to the giveaway in your post). 

    5. Like Silhouette on Facebook

    here's to winning!

    Sunday, March 20, 2011

    Flea Market finds

    Well hello my dears,

    Look 2 posts in one day... don't get use to it ;-)  'mkay.

    I took a trip to the Raleigh Flea Market today in the weather that did state 2 days ago that it was going to be sunny and 74. Not today... chilly, breezy and 60.

    Not too many people at the Flea Market so it was a good time to chat with people and take a few pictures. Gain a bit of inspiration and knowledge.

    Hope it inspires all of you to get out and see what is offered in your area.

    Until next time,


    Weekends duties

    Hello my dears!

    Here I am Sunday morning, getting ready to get the girls from friends and drinking coffee. No cup of tea here, unless it is a glass of Sweet Tea.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

    We here at the Dragonfliez House have been busy all week at work and haven't had much time to do too many projects. Though I did so many last weekend that I still need to post them. I do believe that my wrist is still recuperating from all the painting that I did.

    Though I haven't been to busy to read my blog list. Have you all seen the talent out there??  All I can say is WOW!

    Miss Mustard Seed's Creative Blog


    Just to name a few.

    Gorgeous and talented ladies that make you think about the projects and set goals on what you want to do for your home and family. I mean Miss Mustard Seed has step by step video tutorials on making slip covers. 

    My newest read is Country Farmgirl. Sweet and cute little Sarah. Love her idea of bringing back the family garden and feeding her family from it.

    All of you have been great reads and I am so sorry that I have been so busy this week.

    I am finishing up my stairs. 2/3 of the way done now!

    And I will leave you with the daintiest little flower given to me by a friends child.
    ignore the major need of a manicure!
    It is her favorite color and mine!
    Believe it or not this was taken with my cell phone camera. A few minor adjustments to my setting and a cute little picture.

    Until new time,


    Wednesday, March 16, 2011


    Hello my dears!

    Hope you all are having a fun filled Wednesday. (It is wednesday, right?)

    Busy, busy weekend, filled with redo's from all over the house.

    Soon I will get those pictures up and posted for you all.

    Until then, I am linking Handsome Man's Bench Redo over at
    Go visit and see what everyone else is linking up!

    Also, Remember I am on Facebook come and like me or Follow me in my adventures!

    Until Next time,


    Tuesday, March 15, 2011

    Bench Redo By Handsome Man

    Hello my dears,
    Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. It has been a BUSY weekend.
    1/3 way finished with the stairs. That is taking way longer than expected.
    Made a couple of trays. Pictures on that later.
    Took the doors off some cabinets in the kitchen.

    But first, introducing a piece done by Handsome Man!

    Handsome Man found this bench at out local garage sale called Garage Brothers. If you haven't been it is a hoarders heaven. They clean out garages and attics for free. Get rid of stuff that person doesn't want and sells it to the public. Most of their profits go to local charities.

    Beautiful isn't it? ;-)   (AAAACCCKKK)
    We paid $25 for this antique toy chest.

    There was no stripping this piece. Whatever type of paint was on it, was not coming off! He tried sanding it and it came off in powder, black dust everywhere. Lucky for me he was outside and I was inside working in the garage!

    Lots of oil-based Kilz later and some Creamy White semi-gloss paint that I picked up at Walmart.

    Scrapped all the paint off the hinges and sprayed them with some ORB paint. Yummy!

    Don't you just love the pillow with it? Too bad it didn't match anything in my house.

    Until Next time,

    Thursday, March 10, 2011

    Blue Blue Bathroom

    Hello My dears,
    I hope you all are having a wonderful day. 

    Well since I have shown you my master bathroom and what I am attempting to do there, I thought I should show you my half bath.

    Handsome Man and I decided to only paint one wall to see if we liked the color - Olympic Blue Silk.

    Horrible picture... sorry... point and shoot camera. :(
    These pictures do not do the color any justice. It is a silvery blue.

    Our next project in here is to do some board and batten.

    I think the mirror is going to get a redo too.
    yes, that is me trying to get a full picture.

    Should I paint it black to match the pictures? Or should I do it white to go with the board and batten. And also the cabinet needs to be redone. 
    Well that is just adding to my ever growing list of projects.
    At least I am busy. ;-)

    Until next time, 

    Wednesday, March 9, 2011

    Linking up Today!

    Hello my dears,

    I am linking up over at Kristin's Place today!


    This lady has some fabulous ideas and a beautiful house to boot!

    I have also been working on my master bathroom window as it is paned frosted glass. I think the neighbors were getting a profile view of me and Handsome man everytime we stepped out of the shower.

     I went to my local Flea Market and found some old shutters for $2 a pair. I bought 2, not measuring them, only wanted them.
    We lived like the above picture for about 4 months until I found the perfect material for a curtain at Joann's. grays and blue and silver... LOVE IT!

    Last night I got a bug up my *** and decided to do some crafting. I had 5 rolls of ribbon that I got out of the Michael's clearance section and a foam wreath from the dollar store. Rosette from a loved tshirt.
    sorry the picture is bad. Took it at night in HORRIBLE lighting.
    Voila one of those funky, scrappy wreaths for my bathroom. I love how all the blues go together. And I didn't even plan that when I bought the ribbon. ;-)

    Until next time,