Dealing with life. Tragedy. Pain. selfishness, apron strings trying to be cut and of course the cats.
Think I am getting back on track. Hope you all are still around.
I would love to tell you all every thing that has been going on, but I am just not ready to speak about that here.
Just know that I have been thinking about my blog alot lately. It has been far to long since I have actually created and not just sat in this room staring at the blank walls contemplating what to do, what to watch, which cat to pet... kidding. No I haven't become the crazy cat lady yet. Though the family would think other wise.
Seriously though, I have been sitting here. Pinteresting at least. knowing that I can do something.
I truly hope you all understand.
Since my last post... back in October? ( Oh, who knows when) Lots has been going on here in Dragonfliez estate. Room changes. Lizard moved out. UGH! I don't know how to feel about this. Mad, sad, just want to shut out the world. But I can't. Gotta go on. Can't run away. So now I have two rooms to redo.
Anyway. Happier note I finally finished my painting... First Ever !!
If you like my Facebook Page you can see it.
Can you believe it?
Now maybe I should put it on canvas as I don't think handsome man will like me tearing out a piecce of the wall to get it down ;-)
I am also making "mug rugs" for work people.
Well That is all for now!
I leave you for the day knowing that I will be back soon.
And a picture of Jax and Marley!
Maybe this is why I can't work ;-)
Bunches of Love,