Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sickies and a surprise.

Hello my dears,

No I haven't left you. Just been feeling really under the weather with a sore throat and body aches. No motivation to do anything. My house is a mess but thank goodness HandsomeMan and the kids are here to take care of me. MonkeyMan is tracked out for the next 2 weeks so at least I didn't have to get up to take him to school.

For those of that know The Dragonfliez Family know that HandsomeMan and I have been happily together for 8 years. Well after many failed attempts at putting on a wedding we have decided to finally say the "I do's" on May 13th. YAY!!! We are excited. I have soooo many flower designs going through my head. I have a vintage looking peach dress that needs some "Flair." HandsomeMan will be in a simple white checked shirt and khakis. Nothing big and fancy as I am not a big and fancy person.
We will be throwing a backyard party on May 14th. Nothing big as this is the second time around for both us. Just friends and family.

Until next time I have the motivation to get out of bed and write something down.




  1. I hope you get better soon! Congratulations, I think big weddings are over rated anyway,I think the real celebration is in the wedding anniversaries. Thank you for visiting me yesterday I always enjoy your comments.

  2. How exciting!! I wish I could Re-marry Mr. TSL just so I could do some of the things I have thought of since. We had a low key wedding too, we called everyone on Tuesday and said "hey, we're getting married on Thursday if you all want to come :)" We got married in the park.

    I have my 50 followers GIVEAWAY open and you are one of my Fav followers so I want you to sign up!!

    Later Gator!


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