Sunday, June 5, 2011

a long break

It has been a week of ho-hum and no inspiration.

Now I am singing...
Welcome back, 
Your dreams were your ticket out. 

Welcome back, 
To that same old place that you laughed about. 

Anyone remember that theme song? Am I showing my age? (hangs head in shame)

So where have I been? to flea markets and back again.

Did I find anything? Why yes I did. Thank you for asking.
I found the cutest little chair that had been refinished for $5... yes five dollars!
Sorry about the background. My neighbor is refusing to mow his yard.
I also found some prisms for Lizards chandelier that she is working on.
All in all it was a good day.

Handsome Man is quitting smoking cigarettes and is going to the ecig. We will see how that goes.

What have you all been up to this week?


1 comment:

  1. That is one darling chair...5.00...really? wow! great deal. The Bloggess is one funny chick. Glad you liked it and I see you shared it on your facebook page previously...I wished I wasn't so slow at finding good stuff! lol


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