Thursday, September 1, 2011


Hello my dears,
Sorry for the absences. I have not been too motivated to do anything once I get home. It is the beginning of the semester here at the college, so it is busy, busy time of the year. Which means I am tired. Then home to do homework with the Monkey Man. Do you know how hard it is to get a 7 year old boy to sit still to do math sheets, spelling and reading, then chores and you can't forget a snack when you get home. Which means my day begins at 5am and ends somewhere area 7pm. By then I am tired and don't want to do anything, much less get on the computer or behind a sewing machine.

I had a free moment today to do a quick tutorial on a favicon. What is a Favicon you ask? Favicons are the small 16 pixel by 16 pixel pictures you see beside some URLs in your browser’s address bar.
The easiest and simplest way to do one is through a generator. It takes your favorite picture and shrinks it down to size.

Find your favorite picture. Preferably one that goes with your blog.

Then Go to
You can find multiple pages of already created favicons, but I prefer to have one that I like or did.

Follow the directions to create it. Make a note of where you downloaded the favicon.

Go back to Blogger, go to the Design and Click on Edit at the top of your elements

Upload your favicon and Save.

Preview and make sure you can see your favicon in a browser.

that is all for now!


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