Wednesday, October 26, 2011

lame blogger

Hello my dears,

anyone still there? Hellooooo
God I hope you guys are still there.

I know I have been a very very bad blogger.

I will be back one day.

Trying new meds for pain and anxiety. Ups and downs, downs and ups.

I did make some hair stuff for the Alley Cat and Angels Fundraiser this weekend.
No memory, thoughts are not coming together well.

Stick with me please~!



  1. I'm sorry you are going through a rough patch. Hang in there. I also deal with anxiety. You are not alone. Hugs.

  2. Aww..I'm still here! Everyone has ups and downs. You just take your time and do what is best for you. Positive thoughts heading your way!

  3. It's such a hard juggle... often there never seems to be enough time in the day, things are planned but not completed and time just seeps by... number one priority is your own health - everything else follows that... take care and know that strangers and friends alike are I'm sure wishing you well.

  4. I am here!!!! Hope you feel better soon :)

  5. Hey Lady!
    The Pinterest Link on my blog is :

    I don't know how to make the button go to a link, so I just linked it to the word Pinterest :)

    Eventually I will be a grown up blogger and figure out how everyone does all these things!

  6. I'll be here when you are better! Sorry I hadn't had a chance to check in. Love your new design Cherie!


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