Monday, April 11, 2011

a thousand words

Hello my dears,

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.
Gogurt explosion.

Go check out the others over at Bugaboo!


  1. Ok, that's priceless! The look on his face is too funny!

  2. SMILES:) THanks for sharing that..priceless indeed!

  3. Hi! I'm visiting from Debbie's newbie party. This picture is hilarious...I can totally see my son in the same situation. He's 2 and sometimes he wears more of his food than he eats. I'm your newest follower. Hope you'll come visit me at sometime.

  4. Hey Cherie! Thanks for coming over to my blog for a visit, following me & your comment! I am now following you as well! Now that pic of your son is too cute! Totally something my older son would do! Cute blog name too!

  5. Ha ha ha!! Oh, my. Too funny. He looks pretty devastated, if he were laughing at the state of your car it wouldn't be nearly as hilarious. :) Thanks for linking!

  6. Ah, yes, now I remember your blog....I remember this hysterical picture of that poor boy! Too funny!


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